
Thursday 5 November 2015

Direct Marketing Plan Checklist

When developing your marketing campaigns, whether they are direct marketing or online advertising, there is "homework" to be done before hand. Planning helps reduce risk and increase likelihood of success. This checklist provides the essential planning information and activity required to create a successful direct marketing campaign.

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Situation Analysis - Marketing environment, economic trends and competitive analysis. Analysis is not just a collection of information but an analysis of importance and impact of information (Not just the What, but the Why).
  3. Target Group Profile(s) & Analysis - Know your audience(s) Opportunity and Issues Analysis - Including SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
  4. Goals and Objectives: Quantitative - Build lead database, acquire new customers, cross-sell, new product introduction, prospect cost per lead, acquisition cost, retention, Win back cost, return on advertising Qualitative - Increase customer satisfaction, enhance brand perception, etc.
  5. Marketing Strategy - Including differentiation/positioning/uniqueness
  6. Tactics
  7. Test Plan - Direct marketers always TEST! List/media, offer, visuals, copy
  8. Budget/Financial - Budget, Breakeven scenarios (0 profit, % profit, etc.)

Direct Marketing Creative Strategy & Campaign Plan Checklist

  1. Advertising Objectives - Primary (e.g., response, sales), Secondary (e.g., brand awareness)
  2. Marketing Messaging - "The Promise"
  3. Product/Service Description - Benefits, benefits, benefits. Practical, emotional
  4. Customer Problem Creative Must Solve
  5. Media Plan-Media Mix and Budget
  6. Creative Strategy - Know your audience!
  7. Offers and Call-to-Action - Hard offers, soft offers
  8. Direct Marketing Essentials - Urgency, ways to respond, messages/affiliations to reduce risk in mind of customer
  9. Copy/Layout
  10. Legal - Know FTC, FDA and FCC advertising guidelines. Disclaimers. Self-regulation

When it comes down to fundamentals: The right offer to the right person at the right time. Relevancy and personalization are ways to win better response in direct marketing. Test, test, test...and track, track, track.

Are you a SMEs that are seeking for the good social media marketing partner, visit Scotts Digital.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

How Does Marketing Create and Satisfy Consumer Needs?

A. Marketing merely reflects the needs and wants of customers. B. Marketing shapes consumer needs and wants. 

Part A

'Marketing merely reflects the needs and wants of customers.' We all need to eat, drink and sleep and reproduce, this is all part of who we are as human beings. Therefore at the basic level companies will strive to satisfy these functions and keep doing so by once in a while showing advertisements that tells the public that they are around and can provide the products they need.  

The other aspect is that needs vary depending on what country you live in. "For example a consumer in the United States may need food but may want a hamburger, french fries and a soft drink and a person that lives in Mauritius that needs food may want a mango, rice, lentils and beans. Wants are shaped by our society." The other part is wants, everybody can want something but only a few has the means to acquire it. A good example would be that everyone wants to eat out at expensive restaurants everyday but in reality only very few people can actually afford that lifestyle. This is why various segments have been created to target different groups and classes of people.

Marketers must therefore continually be creating and developing attractive products and then in turn devising a brilliant marketing strategy to win the consumer over to buy their product over other competing products. Companies strive to retain their customer base by delivering value and satisfaction from their products and this is formulated in consumers' minds as a combination of service, quality and price. Some consumers would not mind paying a higher price for an item or service if they received very good service.

This is all part of what a consumer's expectations on a product are, if these perceived expectations are met time after time then they become a loyal customer to that particular company. We as people like consistency and if a marketer provides consistent service in addition to great products and price then we will keep on going back for years. A good example would be Ben's Chili Bowl located in Washington DC. It is an eatery that has been in business for decades and the fact that it had kept so many loyal customers is because they have offered consistent service and great food over the years and people who used to go there to eat as kids still go there as adults. They even have patrons fly into Washington DC just to experience their food and service. Companies also create brands and these brands have an effect on people's purchasing habits.

These brands can mean several aspects of the company combined to form a perception in the consumer's mind such as products, services, information and experiences. The more unique and interesting a brand the better it will perform. One brand that comes to mind is the Coach Company that manufactures accessories in the retail sector. They produce items such as handbags, purses, belts and other items. Coach has built a strong brand name for themselves by being unique in their style and service and this is primarily the reason that customers create a high demand for their products. This has also allowed the company to maintain an above average price for their products compared with their competitors with the knowledge that consumers would pay that higher price. Segmentation is another way that companies target the consumer to satisfy their needs and companies use this technique to target where they should market their products. There are various criteria that companies use to segment their products and some of them are geographic, demographic, psycho graphic and behavioral.

They would use factors such as how populated and area is or how wealthy the population of a specific area is and target products that fit that mold. This has proved to be a very successful tactic for companies in marketing. Marketing channels are also used by companies to reach their consumers. They use three types of marketing channels which are communications, distribution and service channels. Communications is important to get the company's message out to the public and this could be in many forms such as the radio, television, the internet, posters and the like. They also need to distribute their products to the consumer and this means they will need a physical location like a store, or be a wholesaler and have others retail your products for you and also sell your products on the internet. Service channels are needed to effect transactions with the consumers and these could be banks for credit card purchases and transportation companies such as UPS to deliver the products to homes and businesses.

Marketing has relied on four marketing skills and tools and they are the sales force, advertising, sales promotion and marketing research, they must also use brand building, customer relations, telemarketing and others to make their product selling become reality. Companies must also function ethically and honestly to serve the consumer in the best possible manner. Marketing in the United States is unique in the world because it has evolved and changed over the years to blend in with the capitalistic society we live in in the US. This also means that some of the marketing we use in this country can only work with the credit system we currently have. This is not so in other parts of the world even in industrialized countries. So I would view marketing in the United States as one of the spokes in the wheel that makes our economy such a giant as it is today. 

Part B

Regarding the second argument 'Marketing shapes consumer needs and wants.' I have to also agree with this statement. My reasons are many and varied. After seeing so many television commercials and advertisements both on the Internet and on newspapers I have concluded that some companies construct their ads to create a need in the consumer's mind even if originally they were not interested in the product. I took some time to research some of the words that advertisements commonly use and I found an interesting mix of words and phrases. The word 'free' is the most common denominator I found in the ads, free is used in combinations such as free home trial, free inspection, buy one get one free, free installation, free estimates, free parking, free demonstration and free consultation. The word free is usually a powerful catalyst that springs the consumer into buying that particular product or idea even though he or she might not need it. I think other terms also kind of bait people into buying things they don't need.

Terms such as 'no payments till 2010' or 'money back guarantee' 'no down payment' 'offer good while supplies last' help dissipate any doubts that the consumer may have and spur them on to make the purchase. "Because the goal is to get customers' attention, persuade and create demand, market segmentation has historically been based on variables that correlate to creating demand: geography, age, gender, income, education, occupation and other traditional demographics, as well as psychographics around personality, lifestyle, values and attitudes. It works because these attributes are helpful for defining how to effectively speak to different groups of people."

Some companies do act unethical in their advertising, for example I have seen some ads on the internet especially where companies would advertise a product and make it very appealing to the consumer then at the very bottom is tiny fonts the word 'restrictions apply' they would hide the link that takes you to where the restrictions are listed. So if you happen to buy that product without reading the fine print and something happens that you are not satisfied or want to return the item the company would refuse and make reference to their restriction policy. Other tactics that companies use to shape consumers needs and wants is to use celebrities or other famous people to sell their products. A good example of a company would be Nike. Nike teamed up with Michael Jordan to create marketing giant. One of the themes behind their partnership was to create the desire within consumers that if they wore Michael Jordan's sneakers they could play basketball or jump as high as him.

This was directed primarily towards the younger consumers and turned out to be a huge marketing success. Companies also take advantage of world events or changes in the economy to come out with new products. A good example is the ever increasing popularity of hybrid cars. This has been brought about by gas prices going up and the economy slowing down. However the increase in hybrid cars has led to a marked decrease of large SUV vehicles. In the past we used to associate hybrid cars with car companies such as Toyota and Honda, but nowadays companies such as Lincoln, Ford and others are coming out with hybrid vehicles. This has been a necessity of them to compete in today's changed car market.  

However advertising is not the only force that drives the consumer. Most companies do a lot of research before releasing an advertisement in getting a feel of what the consumers really desire. There is a constant interaction with the public in studying what is in vogue at the time and also what brands people want to be associated with. I have always wondered at why companies come out with new models or new releases at such a quick pace. This tactic is basically mainly a tweak or an enhancement of the previous model or version in order to create the perception of a totally new product which in turn creates more demand for the product.

Good examples of these products would be software, Microsoft is especially good at coming out with new versions of their products. For example with the release of Microsoft Vista operating system it meant that people had to upgrade their computers also because their existing hardware could not support Microsoft Vista's requirements. In conclusion, newer firms tend to lean more towards creating needs because the public does not yet know about their products. Established companies are more interested in fulfilling the existing needs of consumers. These companies are already known and their products have already being deemed essential to their lives so they would continue buying their products even with little or no advertisement. 

Are you a small medium enterprise that are looking for the good digital marketing partner, visit here.

Sunday 1 November 2015

What is Network Marketing

Network Marketing success is more then buying lead list and cold calling. Top income earners know this secret. Do you? I have been in our great industry for some time now. I have learned some secrets that exploded my business to a whole new level. This only happened when I finally received some real Network Marketing Training secrets from some top income earners. This didn't happen over night. It took me two long years of buying lead list and cold calling, wasting my money finally to stop listening to my upline and go out on my own as my own leader and find out what is it that these top income earners are doing to be a massive success.

This is what I found. Top income earners in our industry don't buy lead list and cold call them. They have people contact them so they can join that leader in their primary company. Network Marketing professionals know how to attract other leaders in our industry to them. That's right they don't call people off a list. They have people call them. They put themselves in a position to become the hunted instead if being the hunter. How would you like that for a change? Real Network Marketing Training consist of real world marketing. Buying leads off a list and cold calling them is not marketing and is not duplicable. This is what I learned after talking with many Network Marketing professionals in our industry. I also learned these amazing secrets by learning Internet marketing as well. After applying all I learned after two long years of challenges in my business, it all paid off and paid off in a big way.

Top income earners in Network Marketing are masters at building large list of other network marketers and business contact. They know that these are people who are their true target market. Not tire kickers off some generic lead list. They also know that their list will never be sold five or six times like generic lead list are. They know that they don't have to convince them in believing in Network Marketing because they already do. As top income earners build this list they take the time to build relationships with them by marketing mlm training information to them regularly for a price. This will help them fund there advertising cost so they can advertise endlessly to keep building that highly targeted, list of contact. Then they teach them how to apply it to help them in their own primary business. Buy doing this, the top income earners build that trust and respect factor.

Once the targeted contacts off their list start to see positive results, they start to wonder what network marketing company that they are associated with. Why would they do this. Think about it. If some successful leader in our industry helped you to build your primary business, wouldn't you want to learn more about them. Of course you would! And if you like the company there with you will probably join them as well because you see them as a person of value, a true leader.

By building a team this way and teaching real world network marketing training that is duplicable, you will see success on a massive scale. That's what happened to me and it can happen to you also. I suggest learning this real world marketing training right away! If you don't know were to start then start by visiting my resource box.

Are you a SMEs that are seeking for the good marketing strategies partner, visit here.

Saturday 31 October 2015

Online Product Marketing - Real Ways to Market

Online product marketing is the most essential skill sets needed in order for you business to succeed online. You can have the best business model and product ever, but it will not matter unless you can get it in front of your target market's eyes. In this article I will explain some different types of online product marketing.

Article marketing can make your website jump to the front page of search engine results just because of the back links it can provide. This online product marketing method also has the added benefit of attracting targeted visitors to your website. You receive visitors when people read your articles, and then click the link in the resource box in the bottom. This form of online marketing takes time to build up, but it can provide large streams of sustainable traffic (potential customers) over time.

Pay per click (PPC) marketing is probably the most popular form of online advertising these days. This is both a good and bad thing. The advantage of PPC marketing is that you can generate massive amounts of extremely targeted visitors to your website in almost no time at all. The disadvantage of this form of marketing is that there is potential to have large losses with it. You must know the right techniques to use with this form of marketing. Often, there will be new online marketers who jump into this form of marketing because of its fast results. They end up losing a lot of money.

Another form of online product marketing is buying bulk traffic. This is the easiest way to get enormous amounts of visitors to your website. However, they will not be targeted towards your specific product or business opportunity. Using this method of online marketing results in extremely low conversion rates because of the lack of relevance your visitors have with your website.

Are you a Small and Medium enterprises that are seeking for the good digital marketing partner, visit Scotts Digital today.

Metrics - The How's and Why's of Proving Diversity and Inclusion Accelerate Business Results

I know. It's 2015 and there are still skeptics in the workplace who do not believe inclusion of diverse people makes a positive difference in organizational results. They just don't think it matters. Let's not get upset with the skeptics; they are resisting for a reason. I always advise my clients to put a skeptic on their diversity council or committee, when they are designing an initiative. Their questions keep us (D&I practitioners) focused on results. Sometimes the resistance is a result of lack of information or understanding. If we view their attitude of trust but verify as an opportunity to prove how diversity works, the results become a win - win for everyone.

Why then is there still a reluctance to invest in organizational actions that help to attract the best talent, and foster diversity of thought among all workers? Because so many of today's workers were born after 1975, they did not experience the full force of the Civil Rights Movement or the Women's Rights Movement, however they are experiencing the positive results of both. For many of them at least some diversity is "normal and expected", thus it appears to them that focused efforts to make diversity work are no longer needed.

A snapshot of the leadership of large established corporations reveals that women currently hold 5.2 percent of Fortune 500 CEO positions and 5.4 percent of Fortune 1000 CEO positions. (source: Catalyst) There are six Black CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, accounting for 1.2 percent of all Fortune 500 CEOs. There are nine Asian CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, accounting for 1.8 percent of all Fortune 500 CEOs. There are 10 Latino CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, accounting for 2 percent of all Fortune 500 CEOs. (source: DiversityInc.com) Some may view these numbers and percentages as great progress, while others are wondering why it's taking so long. It is all about perspective.

Some people - particularly those who have seen their share of strategies hailed as the "next best thing" - have seen a lot of theories come and go. So it might be especially hard for them to get excited every time new initiatives come forward. There isn't a willful and conscious desire to not advance inclusion and diversity, or any other strategy for that matter. However, among managers that are more distant from senior leadership, there might be a belief that, unless there is a compelling payoff for them personally, "this too shall pass."

Then there are others who, but for the twelve thousand other things they have on their plate, just can't focus on inclusion and diversity - right now. It's not that they don't want to; they simply don't have the time.

Another group of resistors are persons of great intent who can make the time but don't have a clue as to how they should begin. Organizations have many knowledgeable and savvy business professionals who can quickly figure out almost any topic - and then take action. However, though many understand the business imperative associated with inclusion and diversity, these same skilled managers seem to need a road map to know exactly what to do and how to talk about it. When they're given sufficient direction, they get things done with their usual efficiency and do a great job supporting these initiatives.

Though I hope this group is small in most organizations, the last category to consider are those people who have zero interest and fear no consequences or repercussions. They - as Rhett Butler told Scarlet O'Hara in Gone with the Wind - "... don't give a damn!" For these characters we say, don't waste your time trying to convert them, but make sure you are clear with them regarding expected work behavior.

But in cases where employees do care, what can be done to reduce resistance and increase the effectiveness of accountability measures associated with inclusion and diversity? The answer is, plenty.

Recognizing resistance, embracing the challenges it brings, investing in two - way communication regarding the challenges, and addressing needed adaptations can make a significant positive impact on a more successful implementation strategy.

One of the key ways to address skeptics is to answer their questions about the impact on results, even before they are asked. Metrics turn soft skills into hard results. As you plan your D&I strategies, processes, practices and programs be sure to define how you will measure success. The chief diversity officers featured in Trailblazers use the following measures and report the results to their board of directors, executives and others on a regular basis.

  • MARKETSHARE - % increase of market share of key markets
  • PRODUCTIVITY - Business Contributions from BRGs
  • COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Supplier Diversity Usage
  • RETENTION/TALENT DEVELOPMENT - Reduced # of HR issues and complaints
  • CORPORATE CULTURE - Employee Engagement Survey Results

These are the levers that enable leaders to consistently realize essential progress. By attaching real cost/benefit analysis to these factors and others helps leaders acknowledge and articulate the positive impact of these measures. This combined with effective resistance management, further assures organizational success through collaboration and accountability for results.

Facing staff attrition situations? Talk to our talent management & HR advisory consultancy in Singapore. Click here. A internet marketing activity for smes by Scotts digital.

Friday 30 October 2015

More Reasons to Become a Virtual, Contract Recruiter

There are no shortcuts to achieving financial success as a virtual, home based recruiter. There are, however, a lot of things you can do that will put real success well within your reach. Earning a residual income is powerful and a good virtual recruiter can do that by working with companies placing contractors (those who are willing to work on a short-term basis for an hourly rate instead of a salary).

A company is nothing with out its employees...and most companies know it, but do they understand it and are they willing to do what it takes to hire and hold on to top talent? Most are and here's why: good candidates are still a challenge to find for the majority of small to medium-sized companies, so why not work with those companies to help them solve their human technology problems?

Even in today's economy, when companies are cutting costs, they still need the right employees to keep their doors open and thrive. If you can match the right contractor candidate to the right contract job order, you will make a placement more often than not.

Your job, as a virtual recruiter, will be to find the right people to present as solutions to problems. What's the problem most companies have? They either need to increase their profits or decrease their expenses to stay in business. Realizing that this statement is very broad, you can translate it to mean several things. It could mean they need to re-vamp their sales force, weeding out the non-producers, or it could mean they need to cut some positions that are overpaid and replace them with new talent at a more junior level.

What's the one key component that a recruiter can offer any company? Confidentiality. Let's say they hire you to do a search for a position in which they're replacing someone. They don't want that person to know they're going to be replaced because that will obviously detract from his/her productivity. So they hire you to do a confidential search. That way they don't have to run ads exposing their company name and taking the chance that the person they are replacing will see their ad.

Another scenario is that a company needs a special project completed that will take three to six months. They want to hire someone for just that length of time but don't know where to find them. They also don't want to bear the burden of laying off someone after the project is over. Your job will be to find them contractors with the appropriate qualifications who will work for that length of time.

As a virtual contract recruiter, you will find the contractors to fill the orders. If you don't have the money to pay the contractors you have out on assignments while you wait for your clients to pay your invoices, I suggest you get connected to a company that can do that kind of payroll funding for you. Or get hooked up with a company that lets you work from home and they take care of payroll and billing for you. In the last scenario, the company you work for will take a certain percentage for doing this. But it's still better than strapping yourself with the burden of payroll and billing.

One final note about earning residual income. It comes from having as many contractors on assignment as possible. Why? Because the difference between what the contractor makes per hour and what you bill the company per hour is profit (minus any expenses). So, if you had six contractors out (each working a 40-hour week), and your profit margin was $8.00 an hour, you would be earning $1,920 per week. I imagine that kind of residual income would be good for you, right?

Seeking for headhunters or want to become a headhunter Singapore,  visit Recruitplus today. A online marketing effort for SME Singapore by Scotts Digital.

Criticisms of Marketing

Many of the criticisms aimed supposedly at marketing are really meant for some of the excesses of hard selling-shifting the goods on to the consumer at all costs. However, there are still some criticisms which must be looked at more seriously:

The 'limited resources' critique which emphasizes that it will not prove possible in the long run to satisfy everyone's needs. Can everyone in the world be raised to the same level as the average American family?

Despite the professional approach adopted, some marketing activity is bound to misfire and attract justified criticisms. It is important to differentiate such critiques from unjustified criticisms of marketing as a whole;

Since marketing is concerned with satisfying customers' needs, there will always be the question whether it is right or desirable to satisfy those needs in the first place. Do we all need luxury or hard drugs?

Add to this the fact that one of the other important role of marketing is to anticipate customer requirements. This is bound to lead people accusing marketing activities as merely creating unnecessary needs and in the process causes people to buy things they could be perfectly happy without. During the 1970s and 1980s best-seller thinkers emerged advocating less consumption rather than more. Writers like Schumacher who in his book titles "Small is Beautiful" questioned the whole concept of constant large-scale development and he received positive reviews from many.

It is probably better to avoid this philosophical minefield and to concentrate on a rather narrower view. At the present time, most countries in the world have adopted economic systems that allocate resources mainly on the basis of a series of purchasing decisions made by individuals, followed by action taken by businesses to satisfy this 'created' demand. While some people are happy with this system and many others feel that it is not totally satisfactory, the majority still seems to support as the best system on offer. It facilitates the right price-quality mixes beneficial for both producers and consumers.

In addition, it facilitates economic growth which is an important prerequisite for national development in general generating more opportunities for the masses in terms of enterprises and jobs.

Are you a Small Business that are seeking for the good marketing strategies partner, visit Scotts Digital.

The Relationship Between Marketing And Sales

When comparing marketing with sales and considering how they relate to one another I always think of the medium sized business where I had my first job. The marketing department people were serious and analytical, always busy with statistics and campaigns and meetings. The sales people were breathless, always on the go, always on the phone or going to meet customers, always on the cusp of some enormous deal, some magic sale that would catapult the company's turnover way over the annual target. As a junior it seemed to me that the marketing people and the sales people were from two different planets. I now know that they were simply two parts of the same continuum.

Marketing can be described as the set of activities that are undertaken in order to generate leads, while selling is the act of turning a prospect a hot lead into a buyer and later a repeat customer. The marketing and sales functions of any organization are glued together by leads. If there are no leads, the two will fall foul of one another. I saw this in that business I was describing earlier. But leads work both ways. The marketing department has to deliver them and the sales department must act upon them to maximum advantage. But leads must first be generated and that is why marketing tends to overwhelm the sales function when the two are discussed.

The various forms that marketing takes are well known because they are so visible. They range from cold canvassing to brand or corporate advertising, through to the more targeted types of marketing such as direct response advertising and referrals, where the particular benefits of the product is explained to the customer. If this is done properly, then qualified prospects will actually approach the sales people for assistance. Sales people love those leads. It is in fact when the sales people take over the communication function that the lead ceases to be a lead and becomes a prospective customer, then a customer and finally a repeat customer.

Actually I have painted a somewhat idealistic picture of the lead relationship between the marketing function and the sales function. It is just not that simple because not all leads are equal. An extremely tiny percentage leads are customers who are ready to buy. Most of them are merely interested in possibly buying at a future date and some are just mildly interested, just browsing. That's why it is important to have some sort of lead management system so that potential customers can be turned into buyers and buyers can become repeat customers.

All follow up communication should be friendly and informative, definitely not hard sell. The company representative should be regarded as a helpful expert rather than a rabid sales person. Fortunately many of the follow up functions can be automated to take the form of email, direct mail, voice broadcast and fax broadcast. Obviously the lead would be encouraged each time to call directly if they have questions or a ready to buy. The follow up effort is usually a function of the marketing and sales departments combined.

Are you a small medium enterprise that are seeking for the good marketing strategies partner, visit Scotts Digital.

What Are Examples of Marketing Tools?

Well, this depends on what kind of marketing you are referring to. If you are researching for more information for offline marketing tools, these would consist of things like your local yellow pages, signs, billboards, radio, newspapers, etc. Offline advertising methods have two major disadvantages:

First, they are very expensive. Businesses spend tons of advertising dollars every year on these offline marketing tools.

Second, most of these methods only reach out to a small geographical area. Phone books and newspapers are only distributed to the local population. Signs and billboards are only seen by the people who drive by them everyday. This might work just fine for the local contractor for example, who can only service a small geographical area. However, if your business has the ability to service an area much larger than your local population, you might need to look at another option.

Now, I would like to finish answering your question of, "what are examples of marketing tools," with my personal favorite kind of marketing:

The world-wide web offers you a tremendous opportunity to market your business. Online marketing methods offer you the ability to dramatically expand your advertising efforts, because you are not limited to the local area that you reside in. Internet marketing tools can be broken down in two areas:

You have the paid advertising methods, which would consist of things like pay-per-click, banner ads, solo ads, etc. These tools offer you immediate results within minutes after you implement them, but they come with a price. You also have free marketing methods, which consist of methods like article marketing, video marketing, blogs, and social media to name a few. While these marketing tools do not offer you immediate results, they do however offer you tremendous long-term results, and can drive a multitude of traffic to your website over time.

Now, before you try to implement these Internet marketing tools on your own, I encourage you to enroll in a reputable online marketing course. You can waste a lot of time and money if you do not know how to properly market your business online. There is a learning curve involved in Internet marketing, and a marketing course will teach you the techniques and strategies that are used by Internet Marketing professionals. These marketing tools are relatively simple to learn, and will ensure that you are getting the best results out of your marketing efforts.

Are you a SMEs that are searching for the good internet marketing partner, visit Scotts Digital.

Training Network Marketing - Online Marketing Strategy

Network Marketing Leaders, Professional and Reps search for the extremely coveted and sometimes elusive online marketing strategy. Is it really that hard to understand why? Training network marketing masterminds begins with piecing together the magic traffic formula that top online marketers know like the back of their hand. Success online is next to impossible... unless you have a solid strategy. Your online network marketing strategy is going to be the foundation on which your future online success is laid upon. So lets look at a proven strategy that is working today.

For Top Online Marketing Masterminds who sometimes guard their secrets, the online network marketing strategy below is plain and simple. Online lead generation mastery is key to building your primary business.

The Online Network Marketing Strategy

1.) Build Your List

2.) Building a Relationship With Your List

3.) Monetizing Your List

Build Your List

Well, you know that sounds simple enough... Right? The real key to putting this strategy into action is knowing what to do and exactly how to do it. In order to build your list in the first place you need to offer something of value compelling enough to have a potential customers, clients or prospect actually opt into your list. The problem to solve now becomes how to create that compelling value. The solution is simple you learn how. Keep on reading this article to find out why you need to develop a list in the first place.

Building a Relationship With Your List

How do you build a relationship with a list? You build a relationship with your list through a permission marketing strategy. Permission Marketing requires the use of a blog, website or webpage with a permission based opt in form built into them. Permission is granted to you once someone submits their name email address and possibly their phone number. Most people use a service like Aweber for their auto-responder opt in forms. This is a paid service that confirms that new subscribers really requested information from you. Once a subscriber is confirmed your daily, weekly or monthly messages begin being sent. Subscribers can also cancel their subscription to you by opting out or canceling their subscription to you.

You now have permission to send written emails messages to your list. They key strategy here is to become a solutions provider. For example; this article may provide solutions for fellow network marketing professional leaders and reps that want to learn online marketing strategies. What you write in your emails should create value and trust in form of awesome information, products, services and even highly recommended business opportunities. These should be products, services or business partnerships you won't be afraid to be associated with or put you name on.

Sounds like pretty tuff stuff here but don't worry because there are marketing systems that have built in self branded value based auto-responder messages pre-made for you related to the network marketing industry. The pre-made messages can actually plug right into auto-responder accounts like Aweber. This solves the problem of having to write your own messages until you are ready to do so. This was one of the awesome tools that helped me decide to get started with internet network marketing.

Monetizing Your List

Ok, you're building your list and building a relationship with your list,.. now what? Lets learn a little bit about monetizing your list. It has been proven that people will buy from people they know like and trust. So if you've been establishing a great relationship with your list by creating value, your list will already feel like they know and trust you. This means they will have no problem purchasing from you now and into the future.

Every purchase of your recommended information, training, programs or products, funds your online lead generation efforts even when many don't actually join you in your primary business. This commonly referred to as a self- funded proposal. A good marketing system will have training products services and even live network marketing training webinars you can invite your list to attend.

Discover The Online Network Marketing Strategy System and Blueprint

So far I've only revealed "The Strategy" to you because this article is getting a little too long for my standards, which is about 450 to 700 words.

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Factors Affecting Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy:
Marketing strategy consists of some valuable plans that integrate an organization's marketing goals. The Proper combination of goals, policies, and action sequences makes the marketing strategies effective. The main aim of marketing strategy is to increase the sales and profits of any organization or company.

Marketing strategy is developed by considering the following factors:

Environment analysis and marketing research:
The observation of external factors that promote success or failure of a company is a most important marketing strategy. The external factors include economy, competition, atmosphere, transport system and solicitation of data to resolve special marketing issue.

Market selection:
For better sales of a product, market selection is significant. The amount of sales of a product depends on the location of the market, whether the market is situated in urban or rural areas; whether the market place is easily accessible for people.

Consumer analysis:
The consumer characteristics such as taste, choice and preference affect the product marketing. The consumer characteristic varies from man to man and location to location. So inspection of consumer characteristics, needs and purchase processes is also important.

Product planning (including foods, services, and ideas):
Product planning includes the development of existing product by changing of the composition, packaging system, product positions, brands and deletion of the old products.

Distribution planning:
The delivery system of the product to various markets, shopping malls and restaurants is also considered for marketing strategy. The distance from the production place to whole or retail seller, transportation system, physical distribution, allocation of goods, wholesaling detailing, inventory management and channel relations are reasonable factors for distribution planning.

Price planning:
Price of a product should be kept in tolerable range for all classes of people so that they can easily pay for the product. If the price of the product becomes very high, the consumer will not buy the product.

Communication Planning:
The communication planning may include the advertising about the product through different mass media, such as the television, radio, newspaper. The more a company publishes, the more it sells. At the recent time, online advertising is another media of publicity. By advertising the companies or organizations gets the chance of focusing their product's good quality and urging the customers to buy their products.

Brand name:
Brand name of a company has a large effect on the consumer to make them buy their product. A company should select a nice and attractive family brand for its better publicity.

Are you a Small and Medium enterprises that are searching for the good marketing strategies partner, visit here.

Thursday 29 October 2015

Does Marketing Work?

I was at a networking event the other day, explaining to someone what we did. In response, I received a smile back and the comment "well, marketing doesn't really work anyway does it?"

Interesting question! And I can completely understand why he said that. For a lot of small business owners, that's exactly what they find - that marketing doesn't work. The result is that many business owners feel frustrated with marketing and give up on the process, choosing to rely instead on referrals and word of mouth.

But actually the answer to the question "Does marketing work?" is yes, absolutely. In order to make it work for you though, it's important to understand why marketing doesn't work.

There are three main reasons why marketing doesn't work for small businesses:

1. Whenever you do some marketing, it's important to understand that not everything you do will get you business. What I mean by this is that most of the marketing methods you use will be great a making people aware of what you do and will also be good for building your reputation as an expert. However, there are very few marketing activities that are just good at getting you customers. There's something else you need to do to accomplish this which I'll come onto in a minute.

2. The second reason is that most business owners don't follow up with people. They do a marketing activity just once and when they don't get the results they're looking for, they just drop that and move onto something else. Marketing though requires persistence and once you have contacted someone, you must follow-up in order to properly see results.

3. The final reason is just not doing marketing. Marketing can be very frustrating especially if you're not seeing results. As a result, after a while, most small business owners just give up and rely on word of mouth and referrals so not doing marketing is another big reason why marketing doesn't work.

So what do you do about these three reasons? Well, here's how to make marketing work for you.

The first thing we need to do is turn marketing activities into customers. To do this, whatever marketing activity you choose, you MUST find a way to capture the contact details of people. The easiest way to do this is to offer them something that's free and of value to them. If people give you their contact details, what they're telling you is that they're interested in what you do. It's now up to you to find out how interested they are.

How we do this is to follow up with people. I'm not talking about hassling people here. I'm talking about building a relationship with them so that they feel comfortable buying from you. As they say, we do business with people that we know, like and trust, so the more people know you, the easier they will find it to work with you.

Once you understand this basic principle of marketing and find that it does work for you, hopefully you'll be more motivated to do marketing. This is absolutely vital if you want to get business from your marketing. Especially in these turbulent times, it's not enough to sit back and wait for business to knock on your door. You have to go out there and generate it.

So, marketing does work. You just have to know how to work the system to your advantage. Have a go and see if this difference works for you.

Are you a small medium enterprise that are searching for the good social media marketing partner, visit guerilla marketing expert today.

Techniques of Cluster Marketing

If you turn on your "Go Back In Time" machine, you'll find that Cluster Marketing has been around for a long  time.  Little has changed over the centuries since the business world stumbled upon the concept.  In its simplest definition Cluster Marketing means, "Don't put all of your eggs in one basket." In other words, "don't spend all of your marketing budget on one media or in one geographical area."

Conventional Marketing Strategies

The New York 5th Ave. advertising power houses have lead the way in America with their big dollar advertising campaigns which only the corporate giants can afford.  Before they design an advertising campaign they first design a marketing plan.  They identify their target market by geography, age, sex, social economic values, hobbies, house size, shoe size, shirt size, etc.  Some market strategies can use as many as a hundred or more parameters to define their target market.  Sounds excessive doesn't it?  Not really when you consider that mega dollars in potential sales are at stake.  Many advertising firms and marketing executives have lost their jobs when a marketing strategy and advertising plan has failed.

The conventional strategy has been to use various advertising media such as TV commercials, newspaper ads, direct mail advertising, radio commercials, etc.  All of these methods require a lot of money up front to produce and distribute.  Their focus has been on getting the buyer to look in the direction of the product and create a need in the potential customer to buy their product.  Cluster marketing strategies are used to define which media will be used to advertise the product and where the product will be sold.

Let's look at an example where advertisements are created for the newspaper and direct mail advertising.  These are two of the oldest methods still in use.  They both use printed media and are the easiest conventional advertising methods to produce.  In a small town, using both methods might be excessive because statistics have shown that in most small towns the majority of people subscribe to the local newspaper and newspaper ads are cheaper to produce than direct mail advertising.  In larger cities, however, both methods would be needed to cover the whole city since the number of subscribers to the local newspaper are substantially less as to the size of the population.  In this example, the parameter of the number of newspaper subscribers is also used in the marketing plan.

Cluster marketing strategies analyze the target market using diverse combinations of geography, population densities, and personal parameters to develop geographic areas of interest.  In marketing, these areas are referred to as clusters or groups of interest.  The clusters are identified so that either single or multiple target markets are used for the advertising plan.  Clusters (geographic areas) that have the same target market potential can be geographically close or hundreds of miles apart.  With today's mass communications the distance doesn't matter to the modern marketing executive's plans.

Internet Cluster Market Strategies

The growth of the Internet has lead to the development of a whole new dynamic in cluster marketing strategy.  The Internet has consolidated many parameters. As an example, age groups have been reduced to children, young adults, adults, and senior adults. Previously, these categories were treated with greater detail. Language is no longer a dominant value and buying habits are now measured down to the individual instead of age groups.  The search engines now create massive databases of the sites people visit and which ones they buy from.

Conventional marketing strategies develop "one way" links from the advertisement to the location where the product can be purchased whereas Internet marketing strategies develop "one way" and "multiple" links to where you can find all of the sites where the products are sold.  It also develops additional links to extensive content that describes everything we really didn't care to know about the products.  That content also presents us with additional links to more content and numerous locations where the products can be found.

Marketing executives are also having a great time spending less money on advertising by offering affiliate programs where web site owners advertise the product for free in hopes of gaining a commission when the product is sold. Large numbers of affiliates means a lot of free advertising.

All of these aspects are increasing the dynamics of Cluster Marketing on the Internet.  Demographic and sales data is accumulated in large databases and sold to marketing executives and advertisers for large dollar figures.  These databases, plus very sophisticated analysis programs, provide many clusters of potential marketing areas.

What About the Internet Entrepreneur

While the big money marketing executives are slaving away over their big databases and their numerous marketing clusters the Internet entrepreneur is grinning like a "fox in the hen house" and making some big dollars without the fancy marketing cluster strategies.  The Internet has made it possible for the entrepreneur to simplify the cluster marketing theory into a very simplistic model.

Let's look at some basic facts:

  1. Geographic clusters have been consolidated into one Internet on-line world. The Internet is the world and a very large number of people use it every day.
  2. Search engines have cataloged the online world and continue to update that catalog every minute.  Free tools are now available to Internet entrepreneurs to analyze that data on their laptops without having to pay for the use of that data.
  3. Cluster demographics have been replaced by "keywords" and "long tail keywords."
  4. Age demographics have been consolidated to children, adults, and seniors.  Yes, even children are making big money with their creative web sites.
  5. The corporate marketing executive is being replaced by young Internet savvy marketeers and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) content managers.  These fresh young minds are raking in the dollars, even in a down economy.
  6. "One way links" are being replaced with "multi-way links" in web sales pages and clustered articles.
  7. Article Directories and Social Network sites are providing massive amounts of FREE authoritative links to product sites that conventional marketing executives just can't understand. These executives will soon be a relic in our modern Internet civilization.
  8. Cluster marketing on the Internet is no longer about geographic boundaries.  The Internet entrepreneur has learned that on the Internet today you cluster methods and sites like EzineArticles, YouTube, FaceBook, Squidoo, HubPages, Twitter, Slideshare, etc., not demographic clusters. Also, countries still retain their own language identity, but the Internet has broken down most of that barrier in Internet marketing. The web logs of every Internet site are full of sources from all over the world giving testimony to the fact that the Internet is now a world marketing cluster unto itself.

While the big corporations have been branching out to the Internet for several years, Internet cluster marketing strategies have made it possible for the individual in our society to earn more on the Internet than some of those big corporations.

Are you a SMEs that are seeking for the good online marketing partner, visit Scotts Digital today.

Heuristics As a Marketing Concept

In a psychological sense, heuristics are simple, unconscious rules of thumb that every one of us has created to make decisions and solve problems. They are "if this, then that" statements that we formulate to govern our actions when faced with choices.

Heuristics have been around as long as we have. But as the information revolution continues to flood us with more and more details about every subject imaginable, and our daily schedules get fuller and fuller, their existence has become more apparent. We need ways to make workable decisions without getting overwhelmed. And heuristics let us do that, at least most of the time.

The main features of heuristics are that they:

  • tend to be simple and easy to mentally compute;
  • are relatively few in number; and
  • are often "surrogates" for other attributes/benefits

It is worth noting that a stumbling block of heuristics is that they may lead us into stereotypes or nonsequiturs that lead to wrong decisions. For example, "if it is popular, then it must be safe," or "if it's high priced, it must be better" may not serve as good heuristics, since the first quality has no relation on the second. Overall, though, the benefits of using heuristics outweigh the risks, because they help us simplify our decisions into manageable proportions and more often than not give us workable, if not great, results.

So heuristics help us navigate an increasingly complex world on a day to day basis without going crazy from all the stimuli that come at us. What does that have to do with marketing?

Your customers and prospects use heuristics every day when making buying decisions, and that includes the decision about buying from you. The use of heuristics, and common use of familiarity as one of the rules (as in "I know this brand, so I'll trust it), is what makes branding and positioning so important. In the services arena, concepts like "mind share" and "thought leadership" are important because buyers of intangibles such as services will buy from companies they perceive as experts. During my tenure at a Fortune 500 technology corporation, we constantly faced the challenge of selling our enterprise IT services to the customer's executive suite in spite of great value and expertise. Why? Because we were competing with far more recognizable names than ours, and we discovered that a common executive heuristic is "If it's a well-known company, the board will easily approve and I won't get into trouble if it doesn't work."

What heuristics does your market use when deciding whether to buy your products or services? Better yet, what heuristics do you want used to lead to a buying decision in your favor. If you market to meet the right criteria, you are more likely to get and keep the right kind of customer for your business.

For example, my own company is a virtual service business, which means that I want clients who are comfortable obtaining the kinds of services I offer via the Internet with little, if any, real time interaction. So I market where there are service companies that want to work virtually with a marketing consultancy.

I also target what I think of as "personality" heuristics. The header of my coaching website, Success in Sweatpants, is a prime example: It is a good reflection of my attitude and inclusion of humor in my approach. Anyone who finds the header dumb or unprofessional is not very likely to contact me, which reflects a heuristic of my own: If you don't think that purple sweatpants, pink bunny slippers, and a laptop belching money are at least a little bit amusing, you shouldn't work with me.

I assert that it is worth the energy to figure out the buying heuristics that you want to appeal to and evaluate whether you are indeed meeting those criteria in your marketing. You may be surprised at what you learn, and it may make the difference between so-so marketing and breaking through to a new level of success.

Are you a Small and Medium enterprises that are searching for the good social media marketing partner, visit guerilla marketing expert today.

Types of Marketing Jobs

There are many various types of marketing jobs available. Here is a basic outline of the most common positions.

Account Director or Supervisor: administer client relationships with an agency. This person delivers presentations to potential clients. They also Supervise the account managers. Qualities like great interpersonal, customer service and organizational and communications skills are required.

Account Executive: gives dairy link with the clients to be sure of successful and timely. Help clients to create strategy and secure all the business.

Account Manager or Senior Account Executive: creates the strategy, organizes, direct and applies publicity campaigns. S/he confers with management to know the publicity needs and determine objective and establish annual financial plan. Directs creative and production of the advertisement (media establish timing and calculate costs. Supervise account executives.

Assistant Marketing Manager: is the assistant of the marketing manager. Help in budding and apply marketing goals. Direct market research and coordinate, the creative and production teams, to realize promotional materials. Need effective communication and directorial skills.

Brand or Product Manager: makes the strategy, direct and apply brand and marketing publicity for a particular product or business. The manager ask about market requirements and product features to improvement teams

Copy Editor: edit the written material to publish it by correcting it of spelling and grammar. Editor need to have a detail eye and knowledge of grammar and spelling.

Copywriter: develop and writes concepts for a publicity campaigns. S/he reproduces promotional materials for internal and external. Develops materials such as scripts, print or web projects, reports, and speeches.

Event or Trade Show Manager: creates and directs events for a company. The manager work with corporate marketing and public relations department. His or her job is to identifying event locations; developing budgets for functions; acquiring event permits; securing speakers, products for display and promotional giveaways; overseeing set up and tear down of demo booths; ensuring availability of proper equipment and supplies; booking hotel or conference rooms; and coordinating activities

Event or Trade Show Coordinator: helps the trade show manager with all the organization of the event.

Junior Account Executive: gives support to account services department. Her or his jobs are research of business news opportunities, tracking projects and providing assisting managers.

MarCom Manager: direct promotional and marketing strategy for product or company. S/he creates promotional marketing materials and organizes marketing programs schedules. This manager supervises all marketing communications.

Marketing Manager: direct all the activities of the marketing department. These managers require having finest communication, organizational, analytical and managerial skills.

Are you a SMEs that are searching for the good marketing strategies partner, visit here.

Network Marketing Strategies

Network marketing like any other business needs a system to flourish. The greater the adherence to the system, the greater is the scope to succeed. Strategy acts as a basis of a marketing design.

A marketing scheme is an amalgamation of certain actions essential for properly putting into action a particular marketing strategy. Without an effective marketing strategy, a marketing plan is of little significance.

The right approach is the key in network marketing, and the authority that others are permitted to exercise is also a winning strategy. The expansion of an enormous communication structure with people in the upline and a core team is the basic ingredient of a networking system.

An impressive marketing strategy must efficiently combine an organization's marketing aims and guidelines into a harmonious entity. The basic aim of a marketing strategy is to furnish a platform from which an effective scheme is formulated. This enables an organization to execute its goal in an effective and smooth manner.

Major companies involved in networking marketing mechanism have significantly boosted their sales with the help of a strategy that falls in line with the organizations ambition.

The lure of commission that drives the distributor who buys the product and resells them to end-users is often considered as a clever aspect of the marketing strategy.

As the network grows with the help of distributors and corresponding new recruits, the product is marketed down the line in a significant manner. The secret to converting visions into profits is regimented product marketing. However, it is imperative to remember that proper focus should be maintained to ensure that products reach the target in a timely manner. Also, the product should be moderately priced in a bid to attract prospective distributors and subsequent recruits, thereby allowing the network to develop into a strong entity.

Are you a small medium enterprise that are seeking for the good online marketing partner, visit guerilla marketing expert today..

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Marketing Your Product - Six Top Tips to Successful Marketing

Making money is easy, it's the marketing that's hard. Great marketing is an art and breaking into that charmed requires effort, imagination, research and persistence when you have a great product to sell.

Your advertising methods must therefore be widespread and varied. Here are six top tips highlighting under-utilized sources of potential income where you can successfully market your product. Internet marketers, unfortunately, tend to ignore them:


Anywhere that people are gathered is a rich source to be mined. Find a free printshop online, VistaPrint is a good one and order yourself some business cards, drop cards, window decals, flyers, pens, lawn signs, etc. and include your advertising pitch and your URL.

You could also leave flyers, cards and so on at coffee shops, gyms, bookshops, health clubs, airports, bathrooms, malls, car parks, pools, libraries, supermarkets, bars, garages and the list goes on and on. It's the cheapest form of advertising you can find and your initial outlay is a drop in the bucket compared to possible returns.


Talk about your new business. That's your focus and nothing else. Get them interested in knowing more then send out a nice, friendly e-mail, create a Facebook group and ask them to become fans and spread the word. Take note however that when using e-mails, people want to believe they're special and unique, so mass mailings with a generic "Dear Reader" will push them away instead of pull them in..

Here's what you do: put one name in the address box and blind copy (bcc) everyone else. This way each person will receive an individual message.


Article writing is a major sales tool. Be original, target a minimum of four hundred words, use two sentences per paragraph, write about what you know, when you don't, do your research to find ideas for your articles, and verify your punctuation, spelling and grammar. With thought and practice, one topic can create ten good articles.

Use eye-catching titles that come up in search engines - Google keyword search is just one of many out there. And remember, it's three keywords per four hundred-word article. Your resource box is your money maker so use it well to draw in your clientele.

EzineArticles dot com is a significant source of information and training on article writing do's and don'ts.


Search for sites where ads are free of charge. Review your results to see which titles stand out and model yours along similar lines. You do have to pay to include a link but It's worth it. Feature ads that include images are excellent earners.


Warrior Forum is popular and there are many others as well. Identify those that have the most views but only join forums that have less than one thousand messages per month otherwise a newbie will get lost in the shuffle.

Include a one-line signature in your profile about your business and look for questions that you can answer knowledgeably. It's a great way to get noticed.


First and foremost, verify the rules of participation to ensure that marketing is allowed otherwise you will be kicked out! This is applicable to all forums, not just this one, particularly where it is not explicitly stated. And only join groups that do not involve money making. There's less competition.

Post interesting topics from other sites and look for those you can answer. After a few days, try a friendly sales pitch.

Successfully marketing of your product is a skill you will learn with time and through experience. It does not happen overnight despite what the ads say to draw you in. Work at it, develop you intuition, do you homework, network in forums, interact with those you admire and emulate the ethically successful ones. The rewards are worth it.

Are you a Small Business that are searching for the good marketing strategies partner, visit guerilla marketing expert today.

Monday 27 July 2015

Friday 13 February 2015

Why Do Entrepreneurs Need An Effective Marketing Plan?

Marketing planning is done generally in the form of written documents that contain all the necessary business ideas to accomplish one or multiple marketing objectives. Just like business plans, it is also produced in a systematic way. Marketing planners should put all sections of this document in a well structured way, which can be efficiently utilized in order to tackle all the marketing related issues. The collection of random pieces and incomprehensible bits will never work in any way.

The marketing plan is without any doubt one of the key components for any kind of business venture. As a matter of fact, it is not that piece of paper which is devised and then left in the drawer eternally. This document demands to be thoroughly followed, consistently monitored as well as updated whenever required. One can also evaluate the entire plan every now and then just to make certain that everything is going in the right direction.

Significance of Marketing Plan

The planning to market a business or products fundamentally depends upon overall profit, sales, return on the investments, or market share too, especially for the bigger businesses.  For any social enterprise, marketing is an essential function that features multiple dimensions. It includes e-marketing, pricing, packaging, targeting, advertising, customer support, market research and others. Those plans of marketing which are even devised for smaller businesses could conspicuously vary in length, format, scope, particularities. However, they typically compose of similar kinds of data and information.

The development of a practical plan for marketing in order to transform all the business ideas into reality is indispensable. The business executives and administrators are ought to customize their own plan, which is well suited to the business and all of its aims. It has to be easy to understand and concise. In this type of plan, the entrepreneurs like to jot down all the marketing related objectives. Therefore, it should be done in a manner that all targets are absolutely clear and comprehensible for just about everyone.

Plans for Small Business Ventures

The marketing design for the small social enterprise and businesses generally include comprehensive descriptions regarding the direct and indirect contenders, marketing same services or products. Things like the total level of requirement of a certain service or product are outlined here. However, the complete product description includes some special features as well. Facts and figures related to the budget of small business marketing, including promotional and advertising plan also pondered in this segment.

The pricing tactic, depiction of the location of the business, including the pros and cons of this location are also scrupulously explained in the marketing plan. After all, devising of this plan leads to the structured evaluation of all the marketing challenges. It is not an unsystematic set of pieces and bits, which are impossible to understand even for the experts. In addition to it, these plans equally assist small, medium and large sized businesses in recognizing potential risks in a timely way. In short, it's a complete guide for businessmen, just like a well written business plan.

Determination of the Marketing Mix

The marketing strategy is also very helpful in finding out all the potential vendees. After all, there will be no use of any kind of marketing campaign if it is effete to interact with the purchasers and draw their attention to the business. An adeptly devised marketing strategy will point out those sections of the industry where a business should concentrate. In other words, it assists in aiming the particular audience, instead of wandering here and there without having any target in the mind. The evaluation of marketing mix is probably the most beneficial part of having compact marketing strategy.