
Friday 30 October 2015

More Reasons to Become a Virtual, Contract Recruiter

There are no shortcuts to achieving financial success as a virtual, home based recruiter. There are, however, a lot of things you can do that will put real success well within your reach. Earning a residual income is powerful and a good virtual recruiter can do that by working with companies placing contractors (those who are willing to work on a short-term basis for an hourly rate instead of a salary).

A company is nothing with out its employees...and most companies know it, but do they understand it and are they willing to do what it takes to hire and hold on to top talent? Most are and here's why: good candidates are still a challenge to find for the majority of small to medium-sized companies, so why not work with those companies to help them solve their human technology problems?

Even in today's economy, when companies are cutting costs, they still need the right employees to keep their doors open and thrive. If you can match the right contractor candidate to the right contract job order, you will make a placement more often than not.

Your job, as a virtual recruiter, will be to find the right people to present as solutions to problems. What's the problem most companies have? They either need to increase their profits or decrease their expenses to stay in business. Realizing that this statement is very broad, you can translate it to mean several things. It could mean they need to re-vamp their sales force, weeding out the non-producers, or it could mean they need to cut some positions that are overpaid and replace them with new talent at a more junior level.

What's the one key component that a recruiter can offer any company? Confidentiality. Let's say they hire you to do a search for a position in which they're replacing someone. They don't want that person to know they're going to be replaced because that will obviously detract from his/her productivity. So they hire you to do a confidential search. That way they don't have to run ads exposing their company name and taking the chance that the person they are replacing will see their ad.

Another scenario is that a company needs a special project completed that will take three to six months. They want to hire someone for just that length of time but don't know where to find them. They also don't want to bear the burden of laying off someone after the project is over. Your job will be to find them contractors with the appropriate qualifications who will work for that length of time.

As a virtual contract recruiter, you will find the contractors to fill the orders. If you don't have the money to pay the contractors you have out on assignments while you wait for your clients to pay your invoices, I suggest you get connected to a company that can do that kind of payroll funding for you. Or get hooked up with a company that lets you work from home and they take care of payroll and billing for you. In the last scenario, the company you work for will take a certain percentage for doing this. But it's still better than strapping yourself with the burden of payroll and billing.

One final note about earning residual income. It comes from having as many contractors on assignment as possible. Why? Because the difference between what the contractor makes per hour and what you bill the company per hour is profit (minus any expenses). So, if you had six contractors out (each working a 40-hour week), and your profit margin was $8.00 an hour, you would be earning $1,920 per week. I imagine that kind of residual income would be good for you, right?

Seeking for headhunters or want to become a headhunter Singapore,  visit Recruitplus today. A online marketing effort for SME Singapore by Scotts Digital.

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